How to Survive a Fall
Stroke Recovery Fund
Glad I took your Building Better Balance course Sharon! I learned from you how to make sure I was not badly hurt and I was able to get myself up after falling.
Do you fear falling?
Have you or a loved one fallen?
About 36 million falls are reported among older adults each year - resulting in more than 32,000 deaths.
Complementary Webinar presented by:
Sharon Byrnes, M. Ed, Certified Yoga
Therapist, and Founder Vibrant Aging for Life and The Yoga Groove.
Discover how to reduce your risk of falling and how to get up when you fall.
3:00PM - 3:45PM EST
Questions: Sharon Byrnes 513-658-1952
R. Martin
I’d been experiencing pain in my right arm for quite a while. Sharon observed me using my right hand to help myself get up from a chair. She correctly identified the root cause of my pain as a repetitive use injury. More importantly, her recommendations helped me end the recurring pain and recover full use of my arm. Yoga was recommended to me as a way to improve my balance and flexibility but working with Sharon, a yoga therapist, has actually improved my quality of life.
Ron Rosselot
Playing golf several days a week, would not be possible without regular sessions from yoga therapist, Sharon Byrnes. Good golf requires flexibility, focused attention, and core strength. These are a focus at The Yoga Groove!
Jennifer manoukian
Thanks so much, Sharon, I appreciate your time and expertise and I feel as thought you have set me on a powerful new path. I did the recommended exercises this morning although I am a little stiff at this time of day. I feel better. More fluid with less than 10 minutes of movement.
Thanks for all the information I really do find renewed hope for some positive changes as a result of working with you and I look forward to learning even more.