
Helping Mature Adults Lead a
Vibrant and Active Life

Are aches, pain, and stiffness limiting your mobility? We help you to move freely and confidently to lessen the fear of falling.

Experience less pain
Enhance your physical
Increase confidence

Welcome to Vibrant Aging

Understanding the foundation of movement allows for a safe life.

Not taking action now could result in...

  • Physical Frailty: Continued decline in mobility, balance, strength, and coordination. 
  • Mental and Emotional StrainAnxiety, depression, and worry over weakened physical/mental capacity and living independently. 
  • Limited Lifestyle: Restrictions in activities and social engagement = decreased quality of life. 

New Results

What benefits

you'll experience

But what if there was a way to conquer these challenges and create more grace and ease with aging? Vibrant Aging Coach, Sharon Byrnes is dedicated to helping mature adults lead a vibrant and active life so they can thrive and enjoy being alive! Having witnessed her mother's pain, suffering, and rapid decline after falling and breaking her hip Sharon learned, first-hand, that as health spirals downward, the process of deterioration picks up speed. Sharon’s mother survived only 6 months, but this devastating experience set Sharon on a path to teach healthy habits to help mature adults stay vibrant and strong. 


Experiencing less pain, increased confidence, improved flexibility, better balance, and greater ease in everyday activities.


Gaining the knowledge and tools to attain and maintain your total wellbeing. 

Holistic Improvement

Feeling the positive impact on both your physical and mental health. 

Sharon Byrnes


My name is

Sharon Byrnes

I understand your struggles and fears deeply. As a Vibrant Aging Coach, I will facilitate your transformation from worry and frustration to peace and ease with greater freedom in your daily life. Sign up for your complimentary consult today so you can break free from the constraints of fear and rediscover the joy of living a vibrant lifestyle. 

Let's Do This..

In just three steps you can be moving, feeling, and looking better.

Schedule a Consultation

to understand your unique needs, desires, and concerns.

Mobility and Balance Assessment:

to evaluate where you are vs where you want to be. 

Personalized Self-Care Plan

a personal plan focused on improving flexibility, strength, and overall wellness. 


Trazana staples

Glad I took your Building Better Balance course Sharon! I learned from you how to make sure I was not badly hurt and I was able to get myself up after falling. ♡

R. Martin

I’d been experiencing pain in my right arm for quite a while. Sharon observed me using my right hand to help myself get up from a chair. She correctly identified the root cause of my pain as a repetitive use injury.  More importantly, her recommendations helped me end the recurring pain and recover full use of my arm. 

4 Steps to Improve Your Breathing


Going Deeper with Sharon

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Digging Deeper to Nourish Our Roots
