We recently celebrated Mother’s Day and all the mother figures in our lives, but let’s remember as Valerie Kaur of the “Revolutionary Love Project” discussed in her recent blog post:
“Mothering is a capacity that resides in each of us. It is not a biological destiny. Each of us has the ability to mother others and ourselves – to nuture, nourish, care, and set free.”
All of us adults, and even children, have a divine feminine sensibility within. By listening to this wise woman, we can live each day in Arete’ (being one’s best, most virtuous self.)
I’ve recently witnessed many people “mothering” my brother who was suffering from labored breathing due to COPD (congestive obstructive pulmonary disease) and lung cancer. My niece and nephew “mothered” their parents and we all “mothered” one another. My brother was blessed with excellent care and attention from the nurses, doctors, and especially the priest, Father Tom, who visited daily. My brother, Tom, died knowing he was appreciated, cherished, and embraced by the love of many ‘mothers’
Each of us can mother others and ourselves-
Who do you mother?
Who mothers you?
How do you mother yourself?
As the sign reads in The Yoga Groove’s window:
“Make yourself your number one priority!”
Thanks for your thoughts and notes of sympathy through this difficult time, but even more than that, thanks for taking the best care possible of YOU~
Please join me online at www.vibrantaging.life or in The Yoga Groove www.theyogagroove.com
Blessings and “Live life WELL…It’s a Choice!” Sharon