Year-ends always present an opportunity to reflect on the challenges, the wins, and all the meaningful moments in between. So, I figured that for the first bi-monthly blog of the year, we should do just that.
Let’s start with a brief recap from me.
In the last quarter of 2021, at a meeting with Marketing Manager, Donna Amos, we discussed a big idea I wanted to take on: the Vibrant Aging for Life online school. I had a vision to reach more people even those who preferred to learn from home– but Donna understood the reality of what was necessary to build a new structure (albeit virtual) from the ground up. She recommended we create awareness through a weekly blog. I resisted- like a child being dragged to the dentist! “Nobody wants more emails,” I protested. “But your followers want to hear from you,” she replied.
I then created 6 blog posts from Oct. through Dec. with no consistency as to timing, nor subject matter. Haphazard, at best. The result? Very few replies from readers and a few unsubscribes with every Mailchimp blast. I now realize after much reflection and honest feedback that I did not want to be promoting to you or sending you any “calls to action.” I was uncomfortable restating what had already been included in our monthly newsletter.
So here’s my promise to you as we enter 2023. My bi-monthly blog will be solely about providing value to you without any marketing materials or product pushes. A simple, content-driven email on the first & third Thursday every month to help you know about insights for installing healthy habits to keep you on track for vibrant aging.
These posts will not be perfect, but I will try to consistently focuse on information to benefit you. If you find some value in what you read, please let me know. Also, let me know topics of special interest to you. Serving you better is my goal and if you’ve subscribed to my newsletter and you are reading this; I am truly grateful. Thanks for your support and for sticking around. It means a lot and YOU mean a lot to our world. Let’s kick-off 2023 by creating one new habit. Mine is writing two blog posts each month. What’s yours?
“Live Life WELL…It’s a Choice!”
January 4, 2023 | Vibrant aging